
Instructor: Diana Consuegra

Subject Area: English

This is part of a yearlong course analyzing photography, graphic design, and how they relate to the world around us. This trimester will analyze photography and photojournalism. Students will learn how to use a camera to capture poignant images. They will also learn how to edit these digital photos in Photoshop. Finally, the students will prepare these images for a gallery showing.

- Philip-Lorca diCorcia
- Alec Soth (Minnesota native)
- Yasumasa Morimura

This course will meet the following Minnesota State Standards:

I. Reading and Literature
B. Vocabulary Expansion
C. Comprehension
D. Literature

II. Writing
C. Spelling, Grammar, and Usage
D. Research
E. Handwriting and Word Processing

III. Speaking, Listening, and Viewing
C. Media Literacy

Upon course completion, the student will be able to:
- Compare and Contrast different types of photography
- Utilize photo editing software
- Utilize a camera
- Identify photographic techniques
- Evaluate the impact of society on photography

Grading: The student will be expected to attend class and complete assignments.
25% Final Project
25% Midterm
50% Attendance and Assignments