Introduction to Sociology of Juvenile Justice Delinquency
Instructor: Ron Buckanaga
2009 Fall Trimester
1st Hour 10:05-10:55 a.m.
The text that we will be using, INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY OF JUVENILE DELINQUENCY, by David Musick is used in colleges as an undergraduate text. The readings will help the student to understand juvenile delinquency through the basic concepts that are taught in a sociology course. This course will help the student when they take a sociology class in college.
The student will look at what is happening to the juvenile justice nationally and locally in the Twin Cities area. We will be examining at the micro level for instance, the family, and at the macro level at how laws have affected the juvenile justice system.
Instructor: Ronald Buckanaga
Subject Area: Social Studies
This course meets the following Minnesota State Standard:
IV. Historical Skills. The student will analyze historical evidence and draw conclusions.
The student will be able to:
➢ Define the sociological terms that social scientists use;
➢ Describe the theories in behaviorism and labeling;
➢ Interpret historical literature in early juvenile court movement;
➢ Discuss juvenile law and recent developments in juvenile law;
➢ Discuss what are causes of juvenile delinquency;
➢ Understand the theories applied to juvenile delinquency, cultural influences, intra-family factors;
➢ Discuss incarceration and parole of juveniles.
Attendance is highly recommended. All written assignments are worth 10 points each.
25% Midterm
25% Final
50% Work Points