Instructor: Diana Consuegra
Subject Area: English
This course will teach students to analyze films based on literature. Students will read the short stories or novellas that the films are based on. Then they will view the film and analyze based on different criterion. Students will then propose and create their own final project based on the readings and films taught in the trimester.
- Memento Mori by Jonathan Nolan
- Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption by Stephen King
- “Memento”
- “Shawshank Redemption”
- (More if time allows)
This course will meet the following Minnesota State Standards:
I. Reading and Literature
B. Vocabulary Expansion
D. Literature
II. Writing
C. Spelling, Grammar, and Usage
D. Research
III. Speaking, Listening, and Viewing
C. Media Literacy
Upon course completion, the student will be able to:
- Analyze film
- Compare and contrast film to literature
- Identify film devices (i.e. aerial shot, billing, establishing shot, blocking, etc.)
- Evaluate film’s interaction with society
Grading Criteria:
The student will be expected to attend class and complete assignments.
25% Final Project
25% Midterm
50% Attendance and Assignments